
If you are looking for a solution for your pain, injury, or Women’s health issue you are in the right place.

At Take Control, our team of clinicians take you beyond the first priority of pain relief and restoring mobility, to take you past recovery and to your ultimate potential.
This includes mobility and stability programmes as well as hands on treatment to ensure long term vitality and recovery.

About Us

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Client Focused Approach

One of the first things you will be asked is what you want to achieve from your time with us. We understand that everybody’s goals are different and whether you are wanting to enjoy pain free time at work, play with your children, or are looking at improving yourself at an elite level your programme will be targeted at you to achieve then exceed these specific goals.

Exceptional Customer Service

As your recovery is very much a team effort, we strongly believe that every member of our team at Take Control strives to make the process as simple and efficient as possible. We understand that it is important that right from the initial phone call, through to your final visit, every person you see treats you with the respect you deserve, and with the skill and enthusiasm required to ensure your fastest possible recovery.

Effective Client Engagement

What is life without health? In order to maximise your recovery and performance, while minimising the chance of re-injury we strongly believe in helping clients understand the way their body works and the reasons behind injury. The more you understand about the reasons behind injury, the more involved you can become in fixing the problem and preventing it from happening again.

Cutting Edge Technology

We use technology to give you highly specialised and accurate feedback to ensure you recover in the shortest time possible. Tools like Real Time Ultrasound allow you to actually see whether you are turning on the right muscles, or video analysis allows you to get video feedback on the way you move, and how these patterns have improved over time.

Our Philosophy

Relieve pain quickly to speed up the recovery process

Protect yourself from re-injury through strength and stability

Surpass your goals to ensure ongoing vitality and enhanced performance

Meet The Team

At Take Control, our team of clinicians take you beyond the first priority of pain relief and restoring mobility, to take you past recovery and to your ultimate potential.

Maria Viglianti

Maria Viglianti

I have worked in various roles over the years from real estate to PA to handmade invitations. I originally began working at…
Trish Wisbey-Roth

Trish Wisbey-Roth

Trish Wisbey-Roth is one of the select group of Australia’s first Specialist Sports Physiotherapists (awarded 2010) and is recognised as a Fellow…

Latest News & Research

Find out the latest news about our Physiotherapy Clinic and information about all your Physiotherapy and health related needs.

We are always happy to hear what you have to say so be sure to leave a comment.

What Our Client Says

with the help of the team at Take Control Active Rehab to allow my body to train and compete at the highest of standards
Kaarle McCulloch
World Champion Track Cyclist
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
John Borthwick
Founder & CEO
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Jane Bill
Founder & CEO

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